How to Sell a Haunted Property?


A couple of years ago, in the prestigious American economic newspaper Wall Street Journal, they echoed how to sell a haunted house following a survey carried out by an American real estate portal. Do you think it is impossible to sell a property with paranormal activity? We invite you to continue reading to discover it.

Who Buys a Haunted House and Why?

Although it may seem incredible, this is the question from a survey of 1,410 Americans on (the website of the Association of Realtors of the United States and the main American real estate portal) where they inquired about the possibility of them buying a “haunted house”.

The result of the survey is not wasted. You don't have to hire exorcists or ghostbusters to sell a haunted house. Although 38% of those surveyed would never buy it, of the remaining 62%, the majority (88%) would buy a haunted house if the price was lowered. Of course, the reduction would have to be substantial for these intrepid buyers to get such property.

Paranormal activity can decrease the value of a property, but in some cases, the presence of spirits can help raise the price of a property or maintain it (12% would pay the price they were asked).

You never know what potential clients may be interested in selling a property: some people look for homes with an interesting history, as they consider that it adds to the character of a property and they are not scared by the possibility of having some other spirit prowling around.

But not all haunted houses are the same in the eyes of potential haunted house buyers, as there are many types and levels of enchantments. Of those who are willing to buy, they would never buy if there were objects in the house levitating or moving, nor would the sale of a house with ghost sightings producing strange sounds such as footsteps, doors closing, etc. be very successful.

Is It Legal To Sell a Haunted House?

As a result of reading all this, we wanted to know how this type of real estate transaction works in America: If there is any type of regulation that requires reporting rumors of paranormal events, if there is someone who must certify that the house is haunted and if some penalty is contemplated for not informing buyers.

In the United States, stigmatized properties belong to the category of real estate that, although they do not present physical defects, their value can be affected due to psychological or emotional factors.

Depending on the state where the house is located, the seller will be obliged or not to talk about the house situation. In some states, if it has been more than three years since the violent event, the seller should only report if asked about it. In other states, there is an obligation to report in writing even if there are only rumors about the enchantment of the house. And in others, the salesperson may simply say that they are not aware of any spooky events.

But what happens if the buyer discovers that he has unwanted visitors from another dimension after moving out? There is a case in New York where the sale was canceled due to the seller not informing the buyer about rumors of paranormal activity in the house.

Most real estate experts including Mccomb realtors recommend reporting the condition of the property, even if they are not required by law, as it can often save a sale.

Tips To Sell a Haunted House

· Your special house has special buyers

We already saw in the previous survey that there are people who are willing to buy a haunted house. Now what you need to do is know how to find them. Generally, those who decide to buy these properties are not usually families with children so do not look there; you have to focus on people who wish to invest these spaces to create a haunted tourist business, also people who are dedicated to paranormal studies, etc.

· Sincerity is important

If the house you want to sell is haunted, it is very possible that all the neighbors already know it, so there are two options: either you let the new owner find out from the neighbors or yourself. The most consistent decision is for you to be honest beforehand.

· Contact paranormal professionals

There are many organizations that are responsible for cleaning homes of bad spirits so you can contact them to help you first find out if the house is really haunted or not, and if so, to help those spirits leave.

If you've followed the tips above but you are still having a hard time selling your haunted house, then you can always receive the help of your local real estate agent, contact a real estate broker near paradise valley they are knowledgeable about stigmatized property laws and can also help you negotiate prices to interested parties.


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