7 Reasons Not to Sell Your House Without a Real Estate Agent


If you think that selling your house by yourself will be easy and will save you the commission of a real estate agent, then you should know that it is not the easiest way, for all the reasons that we will tell you below. Do not miss them if you want to sell your house fast!

1. Agents have more contacts than you

Real estate agents or realtors can spread the word that your house is for sale more than you. They are immersed in the business and they know thousands of people who can spread the information, to make contact with hundreds of potential buyers. You can do it? Never at their level.

2. You can't see how bad your house is

For you, your house is perfect and you may think that it is exactly what people are looking for, but this is not always the case. A real estate agent will be able to tell you what improvements you should make to attract more potential buyers.

3. Realtors or buying agents will not want to negotiate with you

In a sale by the owner, i. e., you, the buyer's agent knows that there is no professional on the other side to negotiate with. Since this often causes problems in the buying and selling process, the agent will choose not to even try to get his client to see the house, to stay away from the problems that amateurs supposedly bring.

4. You can not dedicate full time to the sale

A real estate agent dedicates his entire life to this purpose, as it is his livelihood. On the other hand, apart from trying to sell your house, you have to work at your own job and take care of your things. This will make your sales more difficult. 

5. Negotiating the sale is awkward

You are not used to that. Instead, a real estate agent does. They have all the experience in their favor in negotiating hundreds of houses, but you, how much experience do you have? Do you want to check the MLS for a 4B/2B with an EIK and a W/D? The real estate agents manage their own vocabulary, acronyms that a common person does not know, they have been trained in this specific field. 

6. Closing the deal and effectively selling is complicated

Selling a house is not like selling a bike or anything else. It is much more complicated and you have to respect a significant volume of legal paperwork, which you may not know.

7. You run the risk of something going wrong

By not knowing the legislation, you run the risk of doing something wrong in the sales process and that the buyer sues you. This will not happen to you without a professional, who takes responsibility at every step.

You see that to sell a house by yourself you need some experience and a lot of information; therefore, it is always easier to have the help of an expert in real estate broker near paradise valley.

And, of course, they work for you almost all hours of the day and night, whether you need more information about a house or just someone to talk to, to feel comfortable with the offer you just made or receive. This is the biggest financial (and possibly emotional) decision of your life, and guiding you through it is not a responsibility real estate agents take lightly.

Contact mccomb realtors to market your home if you want to sell it. They do their research to make sure you get the best deal.


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